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Dens are hidden away in the forest and serve as a meeting spot for people who you've hired to do your dirty work for you.

At a den you can hire hyrmenn who act as a kind of mercenary, once they are on your payroll you can command them to do all manner of things.

Dens can only be built on plots of lands in the wilderness.

Hyrmann Commands



Send To Den

Hyrmann will go back to the den.

Guard Building

Hyrmann will guard a selected building during the den work hours. This will dissuade people from committing crimes against it.

Guard Cart

Hyrmann will guard a selected cart during the den work hours. This will dissuade people from committing crimes against it.

Waylay Carts

Hyrmann will wait in the selected spot and attempt to attack carts that pass by. If successful the goods will be offloaded into your den before they attempt to waylay another cart.

Pickpocket People

Hyrmann will move to selected spot and attempt to pickpocket people who walk past. The hyrmann will receive a small cut of each successful pickpocket.

Peek Into Building

Hyrmann will go to the selected building and 'peek' inside it. Revealing the contents of its inventory for a short time.

Break Into Building

Hyrmann will go to the selected building and attempt to break in and steal the contents of the building inventory. The goods will be offloaded to the den.

Attack Someone

Hyrmann will attach the selected person. They need a weapon for this command to be available.

Create Distraction

Hyrmann will act a bit silly to distract people in the selected area. This is good if you have another hyrmann committing crime nearby.

Commit Arson

Hyrmann will go to the selected building and attempt to light it on fire.

Guard Person

Hyrmann will follow the selected person and guard them and attack anyone they attack.





Training Dummies


With training dummies you and your hyrmenn will be able to train melee skill while waiting in the den.



An area to store armour and weapons for your hyrmenn to take while they are waiting in the den.

Hidden Cache


A very well hidden cache that cannot be found or looted by anyone, not your enemies, or even the king.​ Handy if you have lots of enemies who want your stuff.


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